





Page 99 - shehuizeren2011
P. 99

准备充分  Full Preparation  专题2:承担政治责任  打造安居工程
 The company is always concerned about the security situation in
 公司一直高度关注海外事业所在地的安全局势,在利  Topic 2: Shoulder Political Responsibilities and Build Comfortable
 countries  where we have construction projects. During the situation
 in Libya, the Company maintained close communication with staff   Housing Projects
 切通讯。组织负责人启动应急预案,各项目经理部启动自  at our Branch in Libya. The Company assigned leaders to launch the
 emergency plan, and required project managers in each department
 to devise a self-rescue plan. Moreover, the Company took a series of
 protective measures such as organizing a patrol teams, preparing
 础上,最大限度降低损失。   drills to prevent being robbed, hiding important documents and
 equipment to prevent losses, and securing personal safety.
 Scientific Arrangement
 公司与其他利比亚中资企业一起,制定了系统的撤  十年保障  百年为生
 The Company developed a systematic withdrawal with other
 离方案,明确撤离顺序,确定指挥部人员分工,部署邮轮  Chinese-funded enterprises, defining the withdrawal order, clearing   10-year's Guarantee for 100-year's Livelihood
 the responsibilities of personnel in the command group, and deploying
 evacuation permits. During the withdrawal, the Company adhered to
 一,财产第二”的准则,避免与当地武装正面冲突,保证  中国建筑采用创新承包工程、投资建设等多种模式,在20个省、市、自治区承接项目74个,建筑总面积1,857万平方
 the principles of “life first, and property second”, to avoid conflict with
 了高效有序的撤离。  the local army and to ensure that the Company maintained a highly   米。其中总承包项目63个、总建筑面积1,283万平方米,投资项目11个,总建筑面积574万平方米。2011年累计施工面积
 efficient and orderly withdrawal.  1,155万平方米,竣工面积41万平方米。

 撤离顺序:女员工、伤病号第一;50岁以上的大龄员工第二;先进场的员工先撤,同  Through innovations in project contracting and construction investment, China Construction undertook 74 projects in 20 provinces, municipalities
 时进场的年龄大的先撤;第三国员工第四;主要领导和主要管理人员最后。  and autonomous regions. The gross building area was 18.57 million m 2 . Of these, the Company fully contracted 63 projects with a gross building area
            of 12.83 million m 2 , and invested in 11 projects with a gross building area of 5.74 million m 2 . The result was an annual accumulated construction area
 Withdrawal order: first, female members and wounded or patients come first; second, employees over
 50-year-old; third, long-standing employees (if they joined at the same time, the older employee has   of 11.55 million m 2  and a completed area of 410,000 m 2 .
 priority; fourth, employees from other countries; fifth, main leaders and management staff.

 团结互助  Mutual Help  民生重任  k8凯发担当
 During the process of withdrawal, all staff carried the spirit of
 “helping each other to overcome difficulties”, and left no employee   Shouldering the Heavy Duty of People's Livelihood
 险”的精神,不抛弃任何一个员工。公司还及时与其他利  behind. The Company also communicated with other Chinese-funded
 比亚中资企业沟通,尽力帮助其他中资企业员工安全撤  enterprises in Libya and tried its best to help them. Many employees
 that returned to home safely, volunteered to meet the following group   作为中央企业的排头兵、全球最大的住宅工程建造商,全面参与保障性住房投资建设是中国建筑的光荣使命,是主
 of employees at the airport.  动承担政治责任、社会责任的集中体现,也是中国建筑为百姓筑家、为国家分忧、为天下筑福的完美诠释。
 等工作。  Multi-party Assistance  中国建筑将保障性住房建设提升为集团战略高度,大力参与经济适用房、两限房建设和棚户区改造,积极探索廉租
 多方协助  Our party and the government has always been a powerful
 ally for employees of China Construction, and made great efforts to   房、公租房业务,努力成为中国最大的保障性住房投资建造商。
 help with the withdrawal, providing support in manpower, materials
 提供了大量人力、物资以及外交支援。当地员工、供应商  and diplomacy. At critical stages, local employees and suppliers   As a leading central enterprise and the world’s largest home builder, China Construction is focused on the construction of affordable housing.
 也在危急时刻为公司员工提供了必要的物资和帮助,国内  provided China Construction with much needed materials and help.   This reflects the Company’s desire to shoulder its political and social responsibility, and build houses for the people of China and the world.
 All industries at home and abroad and the Chinese embassies in Libya   Strategically, China Construction places a great deal of importance on the construction of affordable housing and is specifically involved in the
 and neighboring countries provided great support. The various parties   construction of affordable houses and two-limit houses. The Company also continues to explore the business of low-rent and public rental housing,
 持,保障撤离工作的持续性。  ensured a smooth and continuous withdrawal.  and is striving to be the largest builder and investor of affordable housing in China.

            一样的建造  不一样的责任
            The Same Construction But a Different Responsibility


 096  中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd                             2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 097
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