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公司系统整合教育培训资源,充实壮大管理学院,  China Construction has integrated its education and training
 resources and enriched and expanded its school of management.
 Through our continuing education programs and the pilot e-learning
 network, among others, we work to continuously improve the business
 298,370人次,人均学时31.18小时。  acumen of our employees. In 2011, we invested 113 million Yuan in                           About Us
 the training for 298,370 persons, with an average training time of
 31.18 hours.                                                                                                       可持续经营
 We promote career planning among out employees, and
 专业管理人才职业发展通道,不断推进职业生涯设计全员  provide them with seven options for development including project
 manager, construction design, research and development of science
 and technology, among others. We do this to establish occupational
 展指引》,明确岗位序列,由高到低分为总监级、副总监  2011年,公司摄影协会获批成为中国摄影家协会团体              In 2011, the China Construction Photography Society was approved
 development channels for professionals and to promote the full                                                      Sustainable Operation
 级、一级、二级、三级项目经理等五个层级。  involvement of career planning among our employees. China   会员。7名员工经公司协会推荐,获批成为中国摄影家协  as a group member of the Chinese Photographers Association, and
 Construction launched the Career Planning for Project Managers   seven employees were approved as individual members. The Company
 公司坚持“制度先行、总部先行”的原则,加大轮岗  会新一批个人会员。组织“第二届和•美摄影比赛”,出            also organized “the Second Hemei Photo Contest”, published the CSCEC
 program, developed the Guide on Occupational Development, and
 交流和竞争性选人用人力度,修订完善了以《领导人员管  版中国建筑廉洁文化摄影作品集。与中国摄影家协会联合          Corruption-free Culture Photo Collection, and organized the First Chinese   全产业链创新
 classified five corporate levels: Director, Deputy Director, Level-I,
                                                               Architectural Photography and Art Exhibition in association with Chinese
 理办法》为核心的1+N领导人员管理制度体系,明确提出重  Level-II and Level-III project manager.   组织中国首次建筑摄影的官方大展——首届中国建筑摄影  Photographers Association, which was the first official exhibition of
 Adhering to the principles of “systems first, headquarters
 要关键岗位定期轮换等新举措。2011年,36名总部部门负  艺术大展。                           architectural photos in China.
 first”, the Company has intensified its efforts in job rotation and
 competition for positions, revised and improved its 1+N leaders
 部门副职均为系统内选调。  management system with the “Management Rules for Leaders and
 Cadres”, and established clear and regular rotations for key positions                                              Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
 and new initiatives. In 2011, 15 of the 36 leaders at the Company’
 s headquarters were rotated to new positions. This included the
 人文关怀  selection and rotation of four chief positions and one deputy position
 Caring Culture  at the departmental level.                                                                         质

 中国建筑注重人文关怀,关爱员工,丰富员工业余生                                                                                             Quality
 China Construction pays close attention to developing a caring
 活,建立员工帮扶机制,形成了“企业关心员工、员工支  culture, caring about its employees, enriching their work-life balance,                   全
 and establishing a support mechanism that reflects how the Company
 cares for its employees and how the employees support it.                                                           Safety
 女工保护  Protection of Woman Employees                                                                                环
 公司重视保障女性员工在怀孕、哺乳期间的合法权  We attach significant importance to the protection of legitimate
 rights and the interests of female employees in pregnancy or lactation,
 益,提供休假、生育保险等福利待遇,其中总部育婴返                                                                                            Environment
 offering them maternity leave, maternity insurance and other benefits. To
 date, 99.7% of women at headquarters returned to work after childbirth.
 展,为女性员工提供平等的晋升渠道,仅公司总部高级经  China Construction advocates gender equality and equal pay for equal
 work. The Company also pays close attention to the development of its                                              员
 理以上的女性管理者25名。                                                                                                        工
 female staff, and provides equal opportunities and promotion channels
 for them. At the Company’s headquarters there are 25 female senior                                                  Staff
 丰富生活  managers.

 公司倡导健康生活,快乐工作,开展登山、郊游、                                                                                             社
 Colorful Life                                                                                                        会
 运动会等多种文体活动,组织员工成立读书、摄影、书  公司关心离退休老员工,开展文艺汇演、茶会、健康                 The Company is concerned about retired employees, and
 We advocate the concept of a healthy life and happy work,                                                           Society
 画等各种协会和兴趣小组,平衡员工工作和生活。  讲座等活动,丰富老员工的精神生活,拉近与老员工的距             organizes various activities such as art shows, tea parties, and health
 organizing various recreational activities like climbing mountains, hiking
                                                               lectures for them so as to enrich their spiritual life. To celebrate the
 and sports event, and call on our employees to set up associations   离。为庆祝建党90周年,公司举办了“离退休老同志建党  90th anniversary of the founding of the Party, the Company organized
 and groups for reading, photography, painting and other leisure time
            90周年文艺汇演”和“与党同呼吸、共命运、心连心”征                         an art show and an essay contest, which received positive response
 activities so as to balance their work and life.
            文活动,得到离退休老同志的积极响应。                                 from our old and retired staff.

 080  中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd                             2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 081
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