Page 72 - shehuizeren2011
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绿色建造 粉房湾长江大桥双塔双索面半漂浮体系斜拉桥,全长为897米。原架设方案为整节段拼装,但耗材大、吊装及运输风
Green Construction 险高。项目部通过开展专家研讨会优化施工方案,将原方案改为散拼方案,大大降低钢材使用量,仅在P1-P2墩、P4墩搭
设支撑胎架,节约钢管支架约4,000吨。 关于k8凯发
中国建筑将循环经济、低碳经济融入到施工建造中, China Construction has integrated a circular economy and The Yangtze Rive Bridge at Fenfang Bay is a semi-floating, cable- About Us
low-carbon economy into the construction process, improving staff stayed bridge with double towers and double cable planes and is 897
awareness of conservation, promoting environmental technology meters long. The original erection scheme was to assemble the bridge
利用效率,减少废弃物排放,保护生态系统。2011年未发 and increasing the utilization efficiency of energy and resources to in one piece. However, this consumes a large amount of materials 可持续经营
reduce waste emissions and protect the ecological system. In 2011, no and also bears high hoisting and transporting risks. The Project
environmental violations found in the Company. Department therefore organized experts to optimize the construction
process in seminars, changing the original plan to accommodate a
提高资源利用率 Increasing Utilization Rate of Resources piece-by-piece assembly scheme. The new scheme greatly reduced
The Company has strengthened its publicity and training on steel consumption by 4,000 tons by reducing the need for steel pipe Sustainable Operation
conservation, implemented a detailed material management systems, scaffolds in the supporting frame of P1 – P2 pier and P4 pier.
环使用拆建材料,推广环保设备,减少施工建造过程中的 recycled construction and demolition materials, and promoted
物耗、能耗、水耗。“十一五”期间,公司万元产值综合 environmentally friendly equipment to reduce the consumption of
materials and energy and water usage in the construction. During 全产业链创新
能耗下降4.5%,超额完成国资委下达的4%指标。 the 11th Five-year Plan, the Company’s overall energy consumption
基于公司行业特点,国资委对公司水耗、物耗及废水 per output value of 10,000 Yuan was reduced by 4.5%, exceeding the 美化施工现场 Enhancing the Image of Construction Site
target of 4% issued by SASAC.
Based on the characteristics of the construction industry, SASAC has 公司在施工过程中开展项目环境影响评价和CI创优工 China Construction has conducted an environmental impact
not put forward mandatory requirements for the consumption of water and assessment of its construction activities, actively carrying out CI
materials, or the recycling rate of wastewater and waste materials. 作,推进施工现场与周围环境的完美融合。2011年,公司 A-Good activities in order to harmonize the construction site with its
环境影响评价通过率100%。 surroundings. In 2011, the Company achieved a 100% pass rate for Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
分类管理 减少材料消耗 提高节能意识 节约能源消耗 提高节水意识 节约建造用水 environmental impact assessments.
Classified Management Enhancing Awareness of Energy Conservation Enhancing Awareness of Water Conservation
Reducing the Consumption of Materials and Reducing Energy Consumption and Saving Water in the Construction
结构材料:制定精准用料计划,做好 提高节能意识:在员工中收集节能金点 提高节水意识:加强节约用水宣传,在 质
施工现场储存,加强材料领用管理, 子,组织员工开展节能培训。 水源张贴节水标志。
做好模板的拆除、清理和储存,以便 减少能源消耗:编制施工临电方案,分 开展节水实践:积极开展基坑封闭降 Quality
区分路供电,分路装表计量;选购能耗 水,引导业主主动保护地下水资源;
维护材料:选择保温隔热材料,减小 低、效率高的机械设备,实施大型设备 建立施工用水台帐,将生活用水、施
墙体、屋面保温隔热层的厚度及材料 专路供电计量,核定耗电量。生活区宿 工用水分开计量;建立废水回收处理 安
用量。 舍推广节能灯具,采取低压供电照明, 池,收集雨水与生活用水;将节水定 全
安装限电自控装置控制使用大功率电 额指标作为考核项目管理人员的重要
装饰材料:合理控制抹灰厚度,减少 Safety
砂浆用量;控制地面垫层厚度,节约 器,推广使用太阳能热水器。 内容。
用料。 Enhancing awareness of energy conservation: collecting golden Enhancing awareness of water conservation: strengthening public
ideas of energy conservation from staff, and organizing trainings . awareness on water conservation, and posting water conservation
Structural materials: developing a precise material plan, doing signs at the source. 环
on-site material storage well, strengthening usage management, Reducing energy consumption: preparing the program for temporary 成立CI创优工作小组,开展CI总体策划,将CI建设任务分解到相关部门、岗位。 境
controlling the spacing of steel banding, reinforcing supervision power supply on construction sites, supplying electricity for Conducting water conservation: carrying out dewatering in closed 积极组织员工开展CI创优培训,提高员工CI创优意识和实施能力。
of the amount of concrete, and doing a good job of dismantling, separate routes and regions, and installing separate electricity foundation pits, and guiding proprietors to protect groundwater
cleaning and storing templates for recycling. gauges; purchasing energy-saving and high-efficiency mechanical resources; keeping a record of construction water, and separately 积极开展 编制《2011新版企业形象视觉识别规范》,细化CI建设的标准和要求。 Environment
equipment, and supplying electricity to large-scale equipment measuring the amount of living water and construction water;
Maintenance materials: selecting quality heat insulation materials along a special route to measure power consumption; using energy- building a wastewater recycling treatment pond, and collecting CI管理 Set up a working group for CI A-Good activities, conduct CI planning, and designate CI tasks to relevant departments
to reduce thickness in the wall and on the roof. saving lamps in dorms and low-voltage power supply for lighting, rainwater and living water; and incorporating the fixed water Actively conduct CI and positions.
Decorative materials: ensuring reasonable plastering thickness, installing power rationing devices to control the use of high-power savings targets into the evaluation of management performance. management Organize CI A-Good training for staff, and enhance their overall awareness and practical abilities. 员
reducing the amount of mortar, and controlling the ground bedding electrical appliances, and promoting solar water heaters. 工
thickness to save materials. Prepare the 2011 New Specification on Corporate Image Visual Identification to refine the standards and requirements
of CI construction. Staff
节约材料 节约能源 节约用水 美化施工现场
Saving materials Saving energy Saving water Enhance the image of construction site
案例:节约用材 Case Study: Saving Materials 体效果。 Society
The affordable houses in the Longhua Block 0008 of Shenzhen, the 加强办公室、标志牌、安全帽的CI建设,将CI建设融入到细节。
中国建筑三局承建的全国最大的工业化住宅深圳龙华 全方位落实
largest industrialized housing unit in China, were successfully finalized. 积极开展CI创优评选,不断推进公司CI建设。
0008地块保障房顺利封顶。该项目通过“工业化”生产, The project was built by the China Construction 3rd Bureau. The project Implement CI construcion Plan and design a brand wall, a cultural wall, an interior enclosure wall, flagpoles, civilized construction signs, and a
采用预制混凝土整体装配式工艺、组合大钢模、高层施工 adopted an integrated pre-cast concrete structure, the assembly of a comprehensively green belt to highlight the overall CI effect.
large steel mould, and a lifting platform for high-rise construction. These Strengthen the CI construction of offices, signs, and helmets, and integrate CI into the details.
three new technologies reduced 80% of construction waste and 60% of Carry out the selection of the CI A-Good Award, and constantly drive CI construction in the Company.
少60%、建筑节能50%以上。 material loss, and saved 50% of energy.
070 中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd 2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 071