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公司以查思想、查制度、查方案、查隐患、查整改等  The Company utilizes a range of safety inspection ideas, systems   案例:项目安全引入“中医疗法”  Case Study: Introducing “Traditional Chinese Medical Therapy”   关于k8凯发
 and programs to uncover hidden dangers and rectify problems.   into Project Safety
 为主要内容,通过访谈、查阅记录、现场查看等方式,对  在承建重庆市两江名居公租房项目时,中国建筑二
 Through interview, checking records, on-site inspections and other   While building public rental housing in Chongqing, the Southwest
 施工生产中易发生伤亡事故的施工部位、施工过程、现场  approaches, the Company has inspected those aspects that are prone   局西南分公司创造性地提出了“望闻问切”的工作方式:  Branch Company of China Construction 2nd Bureau drew from the
 防护设施、施工机械防护装置等进行检查,及时消除安全  to accidents, covering construction links, construction processes,   望——检查安全隐患、检查工作人员精神状态;闻——加  diagnostic methods of traditional Chinese medicine, and put forward the    About Us
 protection facilities at sites, and the protective devices of construction   “look, listen, question and feel”, method. This means: to look — inspecting
 隐患,保障公司生产运行的本质安全性。  大宣传、强化意识;问——加强教育,预防为主;切——
 machinery so as to eliminate hidden dangers in time and ensure the   hidden dangers and enhancing the working spirit of employees; to   可持续经营
 safety of the company’s production and operations.  通过班前提示、班后总结,及时发现并消除安全隐患。  listen — increasing publicity and enhancing awareness; to question —
            通过在安全管理中引入“中医疗法”,确保了项目安全                           strengthening education and focusing on prevention; and to feel — finding
                                                               out and eliminating hidden dangers in a timely manner by warning in
                                                               advance and summarizing afterwards. This innovative approach ensured
                                                               the safety of the project.                            Sustainable Operation
 深基坑  Deep foundation  高处坠落  Falling from height
 高大脚手架  High and large scaffolding  物体打击  Hit by objects
 大型起重设备  Large lifting equipment  触电  Electric shock                                                                全产业链创新
 隧道施工  Tunnel construction   机械伤害  Mechanical injury
 桥梁施工等  Bridge construction, and others  起重伤害等事故隐患  Lifting injuries and other construction hazards

 专项检查                                                                                                                Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
 Special Inspection

 2011年,公司组织安全检查280余次,检查项目约  In 2011, the Company organized over 280 safety inspections,
 inspecting about 5,000 items, and finding and rectifying over 20,000                                                 量
 hidden dangers. According to the principles of “making rectification by
 定时间、定措施的原则及时整改,整改率100%。  安全文化                                                                                       Quality
 assigned responsible persons at stated time with specified measures”,
 the Company made timely rectifications and achieved a 100% of   Safety Culture
 rectification rate.                                                                                                安
 2011年公司安全检查活动(部分)                                                                                                    全
 Our Main Safety Inspection Activities in 2011 (segment)
                中国建筑充分发挥文化的引导和塑造作用,积极开展                            China Construction gives full play to the guiding and shaping role    Safety
                                                               of culture, actively conducts activities that facilitate a culture of safety,
 检查项目数(个)                                                      and enhances employees’ awareness and capacity by influencing the
 时间  目的/内容  项目  能力,促进员工从“要我安全”到“我要安全”安全思想                                                                           环
 Time  Purpose / Content  Items  Number of                     corporate cultural and transforming employees from a “want me safe”     境
 Inspected Items
            观念的转变。                                             approach to a “I want to be safe” approach.
 2月—3月  节后复工、两会期间安全生产检查  在京项目                                                                                        Environment
 From February to   Inspection of production safety after Spring Festivals and during two conferences   16  安全文化理念  Concepts of Safety Culture
 March  (i.e., the National People's Congress and the Chinese Political Conference)  Projects in Beijing
                                                                   We have constantly sublimated the culture of safety and put
                公司不断升华丰富安全文化,提出生命至上,安全运                        forward the life supreme, and safe operation first concept. The   员
 检查《安全生产管理手册》的贯彻情况和有关工                                                                                                工
 4月初  程项目管理标准化情况  东北区域项目及对应分公司  9  营第一的安全文化理念。理念融入了公司对员工和社会的   concept integrates our responsibility to our employees and society,
 In early April  Inspection on the implementation of Production safety Management Manual and the   Projects in Northeast and their companies  强烈社会责任感,集中体现了公司以人为本、珍重生命和  and facilitates cultural thinking that focuses on humanity, treasuring    Staff
 standardized management of relevant projects                  life, scientific development, and building a harmonious enterprise.
 安全生产抽查,万达项目在安全、质量、成本方                                         Construction of Safety Culture                         会
 4月中下旬  7个省和地区的万达项目  安全文化建设
 In the middle and   面面临的特殊情况  Wanda's projects in seven provinces and regions  15  We use publicity and education to construct our safety culture.    Society
 late  April  Sample inspection of production safety;          Through media activities that include newspapers, magazines, flip
 Special situation that Wanda faced in the aspect of safety, quality and cost.  公司将宣传教育作为安全文化建设的基本方法,通过
                                                               charts, banners, blackboard newspaper, and public readings, we
            报刊、挂图、横幅、板报、读本等多种媒介进行全方位的                          have publicly promoted our safety concept and educated our staff
 8月份  全系统安全督查工作   24  宣传教育和知识普及,营造浓厚的安全文化氛围,将安全                and society on the benefits of creating a strong safety culture. We
 In August  Safety supervision and inspection in all subordinated companies  目为主
 Focusing on housing and infrastructure construction           have also translated the safety concepts into the conscious actions of

 060  中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd                             2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 061
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