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可持续经营 About Us
中国建筑树立安全重于泰山意识,秉持安全第一、预防为主、综合治理的安全方针,有效转变监管方式,将安全管理 Sustainable Operation
Awareness that Safety is extremely important to China Construction as is upholding the principles of safety first, prevention crucial and
comprehensive treatment. As such, the Company has changed its regulatory approach, promoting safety management from both the qualitative and
quantitative perspectives. We have implemented new production safety measures, established a “three in one” safety implementation mechanism,
pressed ahead with standardized production safety, and strengthened our efforts to foster a culture of corporate safety that will ensure safe and
stable production and operations in the company. Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
Safety Management System
安全管理体系 Safety Management System Quality
In order to ensure production safety, we have established and
公司以保证安全生产为目标,建立健全安全管理体 安
improved our safety management system. Through intensive training 全
系,通过强化培训教育、过程督查、总结反馈、持续改进 and education, the supervision of processes, summary and feedback
systems and the continuous improvement of other measures we have Safety
achieved a closed-loop safety management system and ensured the
effective operations of our safety system. 环
安 全 境
SAFETY Management system Environment
रຍՔጚ༹ဣ 工
Technical standards system
055 Safety Management System Staff
057 安全落实 Ҿඇཨ༹ဣ Ҿඇሴඪ༹ဣ Ҿඇᆌथ༹ဣ ಢჟঞᇣ༹ဣ
Safety Implementation Safety investment system Safety responsibility system Safety contingency system Training and education system 社
061 Safety Culture ॔۽ॠֱ༹ဣ Society
Supervision and inspection system
063 安全绩效
Safety Performances
荣誉及利益相关方评价 ፇኯԍቱ༹ဣ
063 Honors and Stakeholders' Comments Assurance of operational effectiveness
054 中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd 2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 055