Page 20 - shehuizeren2011
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社会责任培训 Training on Social Responsibility 每年四次定期报告 Four regular reports each year
每月经营简报 Monthly business in brief
Our social responsibility management team participated in a
公司社会责任管理人员参加国务院国资委、中国对外 五个信息披露视角 每月重大项目公告 Monthly announcement of major projects 关于k8凯发
professional training on social responsibility that was organized by Information disclosure from five perspectives
承包工程商会组织的社会责任专业培训,不断提升社会责 SASAC of the State Council and the China International Contractors 公司战略合作协议 Company’s agreement on strategic cooperation
任管理专业素质和能力。 Association in order to continuously enhance their professional quality “三会决议”Resolution of “Three meetings”
and capacity in social responsibility management. About Us
We also invited experts to conduct social responsibility trainings 利益相关方
业社会责任本质、发展趋势、社会责任信息披露、社会责 for staff at our headquarters, introducing the concept and trends of 可持续经营
任报告编制等方面的知识。 corporate social responsibility, the role and value of disclosing social Stakeholders
responsibility information, and the basic processes for compiling
social responsibility reports and other publications.
中国建筑从生产经营实际出发,围绕自身产品和业 Looking at our actual production and operation needs, and
与专业机构合作开展公司和行业社会责任研究,参考 Responsibility Research focusing on our own products and business activities, China Sustainable Operation
务,识别和定位公司的利益相关方,建立健全沟通渠道, Construction identified its stakeholders, established and improved
GRI、CASS等社会责任报告编制指南,初步构建公司可持 We have cooperated with professional organizations and conducted 了解和回应利益相关方的期望和要求,不断提高社会责任 its stakeholder communication channels, and took every effort to
research on corporate and industry-level social responsibility, and
续发展报告指标体系,指导公司编制可持续发展报告、开 understand and respond to their expectations and requests in order
referenced the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and the Chinese Academy 工作绩效,实现与利益相关方的共同发展。 to continuously improve its social responsibility performance and 全产业链创新
展社会责任实践。 of Social Sciences (CASS) and other guidelines in order to establish mutually development with its stakeholders.
our own sustainability report index system so as to guide us to compile
责任沟通 sustainability report and conduct social responsibility practice.
ᇵ!߾ አު
经公司董事长、监事会主席审核、董事会审议通过 Responsibility Communication Employees Government
后,发布2010可持续发展报告,向利益相关方系统传播公 Upon the examination of the Chairman of Board of Directors and Common growth Abide by laws and regulations Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
Salaries and benefits Preserve and increase the value of assets
司社会责任理念与实践。 the Supervision Committee, and after a discussion among the Board Health and safety Pay taxes by laws
of Directors, we released Sustainability Report 2010. The Report Caring for people
公司领导参加中央企业社会责任工作会议等相关活 ࠌཞׯ ፏु݆
systematically communicates our social responsibility concepts and ߾ጨᇑޟ૧ԍቱ ጨׂԍኵሺኵ
动,交流公司社会责任工作的成效和经验。 practices to our stakeholders. ॳᇑҾඇ ᅈ݆భ
Our leaders participated in the Working Conference on Social 质
ᅮԍࢺ ࢇࡀ࠶ 量
Responsibility of Central Enterprises and other relevant activities ௷ዷࠏཚ ዷۯభ
and exchanged our achievements and experiences conducting social ࠣ!۫ ᅮ࣮Ԓ ঞᇣಢჟ ྜዎࠓ ࢇፕࠌᆔ ࢇፕअӵ Quality
responsibility initiatives. Shareholders ᅪኵ હۯԍࢺ ߾ፕࣹԒᇑᅪ९དൽ ࠌཞ݀ቛ Strategic
ᅮԍࢺ Protection of rights and interests Compliance management ጨᇸࠌၛ Partners
କঢ়ᆐጒ Democratic approach to Implementation of state policies
投资者关系 ༵ߛᆕ૧ీ૰ communication Supervision and regulation ߛ֫ࢻݡ Win-win cooperation 全 安
Revenue and returns
Investor Relationship Satisfaction with the Company’s ेഽኵ࠶ Education and training Performance reports and ۨࣷᅱ Mutual development
Labor protection
public consultation
market value ܠർڢࢇፕᇑჺ৯ Sharing of resources Safety
Protection of rights and interests Enhance profitability Fulfillment of agreements
Understanding of operating
Using the notion of being “responsible to the capital market and conditions Strengthen management of market value Mutual visits by senior management
Regular meetings
investors” as the starting point, we disclose our information in a timely Disclose operational information timely Multi-channel cooperation 环
中国建筑以“对资本市场负责,对投资者负责”为出 境
and fair way, and ensure to disclose it truly, exactly and completely. ࢇཞኴႜ ॺᅱᇑኧ
We have established effective two-way communication channels with ႑୬ሀ Ⴔ൱ֱۙ ࠅਸ֑ࠔ႑တ Environment
真实、准确、完整。公司不仅通过业绩路演、接待来访、 our investors, responding to their expectations and requests through ႑တཪ නࠏཚ ࢇཞኴႜ ࠌཞ݀ቛ
ԍฆᄽ ॺᅱᇑݒઍ ༌ಒᇑୁ ࠅਸࠅኟ
performance roadshows, by receiving visitors, and participating in
主动拜访、参加券商策略会和投资者见面会等方式,还通 ߛዊଉׂ Fulfillment of contracts ࢇཞኴႜ ኧᇑᆅڞ Recommendations and support ࠅೝ֑ࠔ
strategy meeting for securities traders and meeting for investors ߛዊޜခ Survey on demands ߛ֫ࢻݡ ಢჟᇑჇد Disclose procurement information ႑౷
过反路演等创新形式,建立与投资者的双向沟通渠道,积 Daily communications Fulfillment of contracts ԍኤ 员
as well as through innovative channels like reverse roadshows (see ࢇፕ ࠏཚऄۯ 工
Suggestions and feedback ۨࠏཚ ࠅᅮႜۯ Negotiations and exchanges
极了解和回应投资者的期望和要求,提高公司的透明度和 below). We do this to improve the governance and transparency of the Fulfillment of promises with Mutual development Staff
Company, and to optimize our relationship with investors. ਜ਼ࢽ integrity Implementation of contracts Support and guidance Open, fair and just procurement ࠃᆌ૾
治理水平,优化与投资者关系。 Customers Information transparency Mutual visits by senior management Training and promotional activities Fulfillment of promises Supply Chain
Keeping business secrets Strategic cooperation Communication activities Secure payments
Case Study: Reverse Roadshow High-quality products Regular communication Public welfare initiatives 社
High-quality services 会
The Company has used innovative techniques to communicate
案例:反路演 with its investors, actively exploring reverse roadshows such as ႑୬ሀ ٝ৽ᄽĂঞᇣಢჟ Society
the “Invite In” initiative, and inviting major domestic and foreign ॕ႑ᇤ ࠅᅮٌĂม൶֖ᇑ
公司创新与投资者沟通形式,积极探索“请进来” ټۯړںׂᄽ݀ቛ
investors to participate on fact-finding trips to the Company to deepen ࢇፕࠌᆔ ླྀۯม൶ࠅࠌ๚ᄽ݀ቛ
的反路演模式,组织国内外各大投资机构进入公司实地考 their understanding of China Construction. In 2011, we also made Honor commitments with integrity Promote employment, education and training
Control and prevent risks Conduct public welfare and charities, and participate in
the community
察,加深投资者对公司的了解。2011年,公司安排投资机 arrangements for investors to conduct on-spot investigations. This Maintain trustworthiness Boost the development of local industry
intensified the intuitive understanding of the capital market on China Make win-win cooperation Promote the development of
构亲临项目现场调研,加强资本市场对公司行业特征、生 community public services ม൶ᇑࠅዚ
Construction’s production, operation and industry features, and ূබऐࠓ Community and
产经营的直观认识,营造与投资者之间的良性互动关系。 facilitated positive relations between the Company and its investors. Organizations Public
018 中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd 2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 019