Page 105 - shehuizeren2011
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Expert Comments
中国建筑业协会副会长兼秘书长 吴涛 The construction industry is a pillar industry of the national economy. Since the reform and opening up to the
outside world in China, it has played an important role in the growth of national economy and social development. As the
Wutao, Vice President and Secretary-General of China Construction Industry Association championship enterprise in the construction industry, China Construction achieved leapfrog growth in the main economic
indicators during the 11th Five-Year Plan. Not only has China Construction made outstanding contribution to the urban and
建筑业是国民经济的支柱产业,改革开放以来对推动我国国民经济增长和社会全面发展具有重要 rural construction of China, but also made great achievements in pursuing innovations in the entire industry chain of the
construction. China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd Sustainability Report 2011 (hereafter referred to as “The Report”)
has revealed its active exploration of the development of the entire industry chain, its practice of innovations in concept,
增长,不但为我国城乡建设做出了突出贡献,而且在引领建筑业全产业链创新方面的成绩斐然。《中 management, science and technology and services, and systematically disclosed its efforts and outstanding achievements
国建筑股份有限公司2011可持续发展报告》(以下简称“报告”)集中展示了公司积极探索全产业链 in pursuing its own development and the industrial development.
The Report has fully revealed the practical effect of China Construction with its high-quality products and brand
development strategy, assuming its social responsibility for governments, shareholders, financial institutions, employees,
的努力和显著成效。 customers, supply chain, and environment, and making fruitful work and great achievements in compliance with laws,
《报告》充分显示了k8凯发股份以其高质量产品与企业品牌发展战略的实际效应,承担起对政府、 sound operation, the implementation of contracts with integrity, high-efficient services, environmental protection and
public welfare.
In the terms of hot environmental and social issues, the Report has disclosed the leading role of China Construction
效服务、环保公益事业上做出了卓有成效的工作,取得了可喜的成绩。 in the green demonstration projects, its green concepts in the aspects of development, design, procurement and
在环境和社会热点问题上,《报告》披露了k8凯发股份重视发挥绿色施工示范工程的示范引领作 construction, and its best practice in the application of green technology and the development of green products. This
highlights the significant role of construction enterprises in promoting the construction of green and harmonious society.
As promoting employment and caring about employees have an important role in the social harmony and stability, the
佳实践,彰显了建筑企业在推动绿色和谐社会建设中的重要作用。促进就业和员工关爱对社会和谐稳 Report has displayed the great contribution of China Construction to the stimulation of the employment, and its fruitful
定具有重要作用,《报告》显示k8凯发股份在拉动就业方面做出了巨大贡献,以及着眼于以人为本,积 practice where it focused on people, took measures to ensure the safety of employees, promoted the development of
employees, and safeguarded the interests and rights of employees. Affordable housing building is one of the key national
projects, so the Report has disclosed the great achievement of China Construction in responding to the national policy
点工程,《报告》披露了k8凯发股份响应国家保障房建设政策,参与保障房建设的丰硕成果。同时展现 of affordable housing, and actively participating in the construction of affordable houses. The Report has also revealed
了k8凯发股份在利比亚发生动乱期间,科学组织、有序撤退、成功地完成了10,241名员工的撤离行动, that the responsibility awareness and social value of China Construction as a large enterprise in China after successfully
withdrawing 10,241 employees from Libya with its scientific and orderly arrangement.
The Report has fully recorded the action and performance of China Construction in 2011. To some extent, the
《报告》全面记录了2011年k8凯发股份履行社会责任的行动和绩效,一定程度上起到了中国建筑业 Report has played its role for China Construction to communicate with the outside world and display its leading role in
与外界沟通、展示自身可持续发展窗口的作用。希望k8凯发股份在未来继续保持行业领先地位,积极探 sustainability. I hope China Construction can maintain its leading position in the industry, actively explore the new path
of sustainable development, and further expand its communication and cooperation, to encourage more enterprises
to implement the strategy of “going global”, and make new and greater contribution to the sustainable and healthy
战略,为中国建筑业的持续健康发展做出新的更大贡献。 development of the construction industry.
102 中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd 2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 103