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致 辞
            Chairman’s Message

                2011年,是中国建筑取得辉煌成就、实现“十二五”                      纪委书记、工会主席陈超英同志不幸遭遇车祸罹难。陈超                                               China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd had a hugely successful   former Deputy Party Secretary, Secretary of Discipline Committee and
                                                                                                                                   year in 2011, the first year of the 12th Five-Year Plan. Even against the   Chairwoman of Trade Union of the Civil Engineering Company under the
            靓丽开局的一年。在宏观经济调控政策频频发力、基础设                          英同志是中国建筑十万员工的优秀代表,是多年来为中国
                                                                                                                                   backdrop of stricter macroeconomic control policy, negative growth of   China Construction 5th Engineering Bureau, died in a car accident. She
            施投资负增长以及欧债危机蔓延、中东和北非地区政局动                          建筑改革发展事业辛勤耕耘、拼搏奉献、超负荷工作的优                                           investment in infrastructure, pervasive European debt crisis, and political   was an outstanding representative of 100,000 CSCEC employees and an
            荡的不利形势下,中国建筑迎难而上,主要经济指标逆市                          秀典型。她的精神,将鞭策k8凯发以更加饱满的激情、更加                                           turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa. China Construction was the   excellent example of how hard work and dedication can contribute to
                                                                                                                                   only company among central construction enterprise to achieve greater   the reform and development of China Construction. Her spirit will spur
            增长,再创历史新高。在中央建筑企业中,中国建筑是唯                          出色的业绩,奉献给国家和社会。
                                                                                                                                   growth in newly signed contractors and ranked number one in the   us to continue to grow our country and society with greater passion and
            一在新签合同额和利润上均取得较大增长的企业。                                 2012年,将是形势复杂严峻的一年。世界经济有望逐                                       achieving its profit targets.                      outstanding peformance.
                                                                                                                                       In 2011, China Construction further enhanced its social image and   In 2012, the Company expects to face more severe and complex
                这一年,中国建筑的社会形象和品牌美誉度进一步提                        渐恢复,但不稳定、不确定因素仍然较多,国际金融危机
                                                                                                                                   brand reputation, ranking 147th on the list of Fortune Top 500 Global   situations. We anticipate the world economy will gradually recover, but
            升。在《财富》2011年度全球500强企业排名中,中国建                       影响深远,世界经济格局正在发生深刻变化。中央政府以                                           Companies, and won the Class-A Prize in the Examination of Business   we also expect to face many unstable factors, including far-reaching
            筑名列147位;在国务院国资委2010年度央企负责人经营                       稳中求进为总基调,继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货                                           Performance for 2010 as awarded by the State-owned Assets Supervision   impacts from the international financial crisis and the changing structure
                                                                                                                                   and Administration Commission (SASAC) of the State Council. The   of world economy. The central government has outlined that economic
            业绩考核中,中国建筑再次被评为A级企业。同时,中国                          币政策;中央企业则要勇挑重担,保稳定促增长。对中国
                                                                                                                                   Company also maintained its leading position brand development, winning   development will be about “making progress while maintaining stability”,
            建筑品牌创优保持了行业领先地位,荣获鲁班奖13项,詹                         建筑新一年的发展,k8凯发充满了必胜的信心:k8凯发有一支                                           13 “Luban Prizes” and 4 “Zhantianyou Prizes”. The Company was awarded   and that it will continue to implement a proactive fiscal and prudent
                                                                                                                                   the National First-grade Prize for Progress in Science and Technology for   monetary policy. As a central enterprise, China Construction shoulders
            天佑奖4项。《国家游泳中心(水立方)工程建造技术创新与                        历经30年考验,千锤百炼、攻坚克难、奋勇争先的队伍;
                                                                                                                                   its Technological Innovation and Practice in the Construction of National   heavy responsibilities and will work to ensure stability and promote
            实践》继酒泉卫星发射中心项目后,再获国家科学技术进                          k8凯发有先进的文化软实力支撑硬发展;k8凯发有聚合实力、                                           Aquatics Center (Water-Cube) following the Jiuquan Satellite Launch   growth. In 2012, we are confident that we will continue to be successful.
            步一等奖。                                              共创未来的明确目标和远大理想。                                                     Center Project.                                    The Company will achieve this because we have a well-experienced team
                                                                                                                                       In 2011, China Construction solidified its commitment to innovation   and thirty years experience successfully facing challenges and tackling
                这一年,中国建筑致力于创新发展、不断创先争优。                            全体中国建筑人携起手来,坚定实现“一最两跨”
                                                                                                                                   and development and excelled in its implementation of the A-Good   difficulties. We have also instilled an advanced corporate culture that
            k8凯发赋予“一最两跨”战略目标新的内涵:成为最具国际                          宏伟目标的理想,诚信、精效、创新、争先,以无愧于中                                           Campaign. The Company strengthened its “One most and two entries”   supports our development and have established clear goals and ideals to
            竞争力的建筑地产综合企业集团,在2015年跨入世界500                       国建筑、无愧于伟大时代的辉煌成就,迎接中国共产党第                                           strategic objectives to become the most internationally competitive   help us create a positive future.
                                                                                                                                   building real estate group and seeks to become a top 100 company in the   All employees of China Construction will unite to achieve our long-
            强前100强,跨入全球建筑地产集团前三强;k8凯发坚持了                         十八次全国代表大会、迎接中国建筑组建三十周年!                                             Top 500 Global Enterprises by 2015, and one of the world’s three strongest   term goal of “One most and two entries”. We will meet the 18th National
            “品质保障、价值创造”的发展理念;k8凯发深入推进了                               中国建筑连续多年发布了公司可持续发展报告,坦诚                                         construction and real estate groups. We adhered to our development   People’s Congress and the 30th anniversary of the founding of China
                                                                                                                                   concept of “Quality assurance, and value creation”, and pressed ahead with   Construction by honoring the principles of “integrity, precision and high
            “五化”的发展策略。在全员“创先争优”的工作中,公                          回应利益相关方的关切和期望,努力获得利益相关方的理
                                                                                                                                   our “PRSII strategy”. In the A-Good Campaign, we responded to the call of   efficiency, innovation, and excellence”, and acknowledging the brilliant
            司积极响应党中央的号召,按照国资委的部署,创新思路                          解和支持。k8凯发希望藉此报告,继续与各利益相关方真诚                                           the CPC Central Committee, creating ideas and methods and establishing   achievements that make China Construction a successful company.
            和方法,提出争做“央企一流,行业排头”的目标,企业                          沟通,不断提升公司运营的透明度,在新的征程中引领行                                           our goal of “being a first-class central enterprise and the flagship in the   China Construction has released several sustainability reports to
                                                                                                                                   construction industry” in accordance with the deployment of SASAC. We   date. We always candidly respond to the expectations and requests of
            经营生产的各项工作,都取得了长足发展:房屋建筑、海                          业实现新跨越和发展!
                                                                                                                                   also made considerable progress in production and operations, achieving   our stakeholders, and strive to obtain their understanding and support.
            外经营、地产投资、基础设施、规划设计五大业务实现了                                                                                              our goal of “four industry-leading positions, and one great progress”   We wish to sincerely communicate with stakeholders and improve the
                                                                                                                                   in each of our five major business sectors — house building, overseas   transparency of the our operations through this report in order to achieve
                                                                                                                                   operations, real estate investment, infrastructure, and planning and   a new leap forward.
            略、履行社会责任等工作也实现了“向纵深推进”。                                                                                                design. Furthermore, we further strengthened the Group’s governance
                这一年,中国建筑的行动载入史册、让人为之动容。                                                                                            system, its human resource strategy and the overall implementation of its
                                                                                                                                   social responsibility.
                                                                                                                                       In 2011, we experienced tremendous and historical events. In
            撤离总协调组织工作,及时、安全、高效地撤离了10,241                                                                                           February, China Construction organized the evacuation of Chinese-funded
                                                                                          董事长                                      enterprises in eastern Libya, evacuating 10,241 CSCEC employees and
                                                                              CSCEC Chairman Yijun                                 957 staff from Bangladesh and Vietnam in a timely, safe and efficient way.
            “十天十夜万人万里大撤离,无一人丢失,无一人伤亡”                                                                                              The Company achieved its goal of ensuring that “no one went missing
            的奇迹。6月份,中国建筑五局土木公司原党委副书记、                                                                                              and no injuries occurred in the evacuation of thousands of people within
                                                                                                                                   ten days from thousands of miles away”. In June, Chen Chaoying, the

       008  中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd                                                                                                                                              2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 009
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