Page 83 - shehuizeren2010
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矛盾和阻力,从根本上保障企业发展,才能实现和谐、共 that may arise in our development. To achieve our goals of
mutual development and win-win cooperation, we must protect
赢的发展。 About Us
sustainable growth from the root.
中国建筑遵守项目所在国法律,依法运营,诚信经 China Construction observes the laws of the countries where
we have construction projects. We help to drive local economies
forward through law-abiding operations and honest management. 可持续经营
带动当地就业,促进当地的发展。海外有近3,000名不同 By subcontracting work to local companies, local development is
国籍的管理人员。 encouraged. China Constructions employs over 3,000 management
staff of a variety of nationalities.
公司在阿尔及利亚累计聘用当地专业分包队伍近500 In Algeria, the Company subcontracts to almost 500 local
多支,共聘用阿籍管理人员、工程技术人员近1,000多 professional companies, hiring almost 1000 Algerian management Sustainable Operation
and technical staff and over 20,000 workers, greatly relieving
人,聘用阿工约20,000多人,为解决当地社会就业问题做 local unemployment problems. Another project, the No.1 National
出了积极贡献。刚果(布)1号公路项目为当地工人提供 Highway of the Republic of Congo, provides around 30,000 科技创新
seasonal and permanent positions to local workers.
China Construction Equatorial Guinea Co. works with local
k8凯发赤道几内亚公司配合当地劳动和社会保障部组 labour and social protection organisations to provide professional
training to local youth, preparing local plastering workers,
carpenters, plumbing workers, electricians and tile workers, and Technological Innovation
管道工、电工及铺砖工,提高当地劳动者素质。 raising local labour skill levels.
带动当地产业发展 Guiding the development of local industries
China Construction introduces advanced management and
technology to these countries, guiding the development of local 质
当地建筑业和相关产业发展。公司项目根据所在地各方面 construction and related industries. After taking into consideration 量
条件不同、工程项目类别不同、项目要求不同等,尽可能 local conditions, the nature of the projects, and the various project
requirements, the Company normally strives to maximise the proportion Quality
加大当地采购比例。在中东等地区,当地采购或从项目附 of raw materials procured locally. In regions such as the Middle East, up
近第三国采购比率可达到80%以上。 to 80% of procurements come from the site country or another nearby.
Case study: Procurement of local materials and equipment
案例:采购当地物资和设备 China Construction Equatorial Guinea Co. directly contributed 安
k8凯发赤道几内亚公司在清关服务、物资采购(包括 added value of 789,041,900 CFA francs (about 115 million RMB) 全
to local industries, through paying for services such as customs
黄砂、毛石、木方、机制砂和碎石等)、机械设备租赁等 Safety
clearance, procurement of materials (including sand, rubble, wood,
方面直接带动当地产业增加值789,041,900中非法朗(约 sand, and gravel), purchasing machinery and equipment rental.
China Construction Equatorial Guinea Co. utilised local procurement
platforms to purchase major machinery worth around US$3.38
采购平台,在当地采购大型设备金额约338万美元(约合 million (about 22.28 million RMB).
人民币2228万元)。 环
Overseas community building 境
Besides its focus on overseas projects, China Construction
海外社区建设 strives to get involved in local community building. Utilising Environment
中国建筑在做好海外项目的同时,积极参与当地社 its professional expertise, the Company provides support for
infrastructure such as roads, water supply and sanitation, thereby
区建设,利用公司专业优势,支持当地交通、饮水、卫生 helping improve the living conditions of local residents.
Case study: The Company engages in overseas community
building 员
案例:参与海外社区建设 The Company built wells for more than 20 villages along the 工
刚果(布)1号公路项目为施工沿线居民修建水井, construction route of No.1 National Highway of the Republic of Staff
Congo, giving them access to clean water. Three medical clinics
were built along the highway, to reduce local residents’ difficulties
民筹建三所医疗诊所,解决当地人的疾病治疗等难题,为 in seeking healthcare, thereby protecting the health of Congolese
people. China Construction also built a variety of amenities along
the construction route, such as pavement covers, road covers,
多便民设施,村庄里的人行道盖板、行车盖板、交叉路口 and larger intersections. The Company also helped several 社
municipalities to repair over 30,000 metres of roads, giving local 会
residents better roads to travel on.
府修缮便道30,000多米,改善当地居民出行条件。 Society
2010可持续发展报告 81
Sustainability Report 2010