Page 50 - shehuizeren2010
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Quality Control
建筑领域 Construction sector
中国建筑依据ISO9001:2008《质量管理体系要 According to the requirements for ISO 9001:2008 Quality
Management Systems certification and the features of various
business sectors in the Company, China Construction has
工过程质量检验和控制、竣工验收各环节实施全过程质量 implemented comprehensive quality control for various processes,
控制。 including construction material procurement, quality inspection and quality
control during construction, as well as acceptance upon completion.
In 2010, we achieved 100% coverage of the quality
通过率100%、质量评价合格率100%,客户满意率90%; management system, a 100% pass rate of completion acceptance,
获“国家优质工程奖”15项、“鲁班奖”15项,“海外鲁 and a 90% customer satisfaction rate. Also, we won 15 National
High Quality Project Awards, 15 Luban Awards, an Overseas Luban
Award, and a Zhan Tianyou Grand Award.
设置组织机构 Set up a quality management team, allocate quality management staff at all levels, implement quality management accountability system, and
Organisation structure
enhance construction quality control
Comprehensive system Compile the Project Management Manual, Construction Quality Management Ordinance and Procedures for Construction Material
Preparation, to standardise construction quality management
质量管理推广 识,推进质量管理标准化进程
Quality management promotion Adopt various quality management training measures including promotion, meetings, setting up a QC team and on-site training, to enhance
awareness and promote quality management standardisation
施工准备阶段 有针对性地组织员工开展工程特点、技术要求及施工方法等方面培训
Preparation phase Incorporate quality requirements, construction period and construction budget into project proposal
Review the design, compile a proposal for survey management and perform technological tests
Organise targeted training for workers regarding construction characteristics, technological requirements, and construction methods
施工阶段 量、进度等情况,加强对成品的保护和管理
Construction phase Organise the construction according to the technological procedures, closely monitor work on challenging structural parts that requires advanced
technology, regularly report the construction quality and progress to the customer, strengthen the protection and management of end-product
竣工阶段 组织客户、咨询工程师验收
Completion phase Perform self assessment and pre-acceptance according to the contract, and rectify problems that are identified
Meet with customers and consulting engineers for acceptance
考核办法 制定《施工企业质量管理工作考核评价办法》
Assessment method Formulate the Assessment Method for Construction Quality Management
考察内容 Assessments cover five areas: the system of quality management; quality management of human resources, technology and process; and the
Assessment content
achievements of quality management
Chart of Quality Control in the Construction Sector
案例:支撑世界最高速的动车 Case study: Supporting the fastest train in the world
2010年3月,k8凯发二局土木公司承建松江轨道板场通 In March 2010, the Song Jiang railway Civil Engineering Company
of China Second Engineering Bureau Ltd, passed the standardised
site inspection of Zhejiang Expressway Co. Ltd. The railway was able
时的沪杭动车,必须保证轨道板承轨台高程误差小于0.3 to support a train travelling at 416.6 km/hr on a trial run, and it
guaranteed that the difference in elevation of the rail-bearing blocks
48 中国建筑股份有限公司
China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited