





Page 11 - shehuizeren2010
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            报告目的                                               Objectives
 Contents   相关方进行坦诚沟通,引领行业可持续发展。                               aims to openly share our sustainability ideals, practices and results with our
                                                                   This is the second sustainability report to have been officially released
                                                               by China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited. The report
                                                               stakeholders, and lead the industry to achieve sustainable development in
                                                               business operations.
                                                                   The Sustainability Report 2009 was released on 20 April 2010.
                                                                   This report covers economic, environmental and social responsibility
            司及所属五大业务板块的31个全资公司和15个控股公司在经济、                     news and information for China State Construction Engineering Corporation
                                                               Limited, its 31 wholly owned subsidies and 15 holding companies in its five
            环境和社会责任方面的信息,相关典型案例来自公司所属单位。                       business sectors, as well as related case studies from group members, for
                                                               the year from 1 January  to 31 December 2010.
            编写依据                                               References
                报告遵循国务院国资委《关于中央企业履行社会责任的指                          This report has been developed according to the requirements of
            导意见》、上海证券交易所《公司履行社会责任的报告》编制                        the Advice on the Guidelines for State-owned Enterprises to Undertake
                                                               Social Responsibility, released by the State-owned Assets Supervision and
                                                               Administration Commission of the State Council and the Guidelines for
            南》(GRI G3.1)、国际标准化组织《ISO26000:社会责任指南               Compiling Reports of the Practice of Social Responsibilities by Enterprises,
            (2010)》、中国企业社会责任报告编写指南(CASS-CSR 2.0)               released by the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and references international reports
            等编制。                                               including the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (GRI G3.1) from the Global
                                                               Reporting Initiative (GRI) and  ISO 26000:2010, Guidance on social responsibility
                                                               from the International Organization for Standardization(CASS-CSR 2.0).
                本报告由中国建筑社会责任管理团队组织编制,由公司相关                     Undertakings
                                                                   The report is developed by the Taskforce of the Management of Social
                                                               Responsibilities of the Company, examined by the senior management and
            内容不存在任何虚假、误导性陈述。                                   approved by the Board of Directors and the Supervision Committee. China
                                                               State Construction Engineering Corporation Ltd promises that the report
                                                               contains no false records and misleading information.
                在理念上,坚持引领和推动行业发展作为公司对全球可持续                     Progress and Improvements
            发展的基本责任;                                               The major improvements in this report include:
                                                                   Principles – we continue to uphold the tenet of pioneering and driving
                                                               the development of the industry, to achieve our goal of undertaking basic
            续发展报告的一般要求;                                        responsibility for global sustainability;
                在结构上,延续2009年度阳光报告的基本框架,并增加科技                       Business model – we follow the general regulations and fully meet the
                                                               general requirements of sustainability reporting;
                                                                   Structural aspects – we extend the framework of Sunshine 2009, and
                在内容上,扩大社会责任指标披露的覆盖面,加大社会责任                     add technology innovation as a topic;
            核心指标的披露深度,并首次以责任专题形式披露报告年度公司                           Content – we expand the coverage and depth of the report to disclose
            广受各利益相关方关注的重大社会责任实践。                               our social responsibility benchmarks.
                                                                   Additionally, this is the first time the Company has presented our major
                                                               contributions to social responsibility under various themes for the year. This
            称谓说明                                               change is in response to stakeholder concerns.
            筑”或“公司”。                                           Notes on Abbreviations
                                                                   For the convenience of presentation, China State Construction
                                                               Engineering  Corporation  Limited  will  be  hereafter  called  “China
            获取方式                                               Construction” or “The Company”.
                                                               Chinese and English electronic access
            布,欢迎登陆公司网站www.cscec.com获取。                             This report is released in two formats – print and electronic – and in
                                                               Chinese and English editions. You are welcome to visit the Company website
            联系方式                                               to download the report at: www.cscec.com.
                中国建筑股份有限公司                                     Contact Us
                地址:中国北京三里河路15号k8凯发大厦                                 China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited
                邮政编码:100037                                        Address: CSCEC Mansion, NO.15 Sanlihe Road, Beijing, China
                                                                   Postcode: 100037
                电话:(8610)88082888                                  Telephone: (8610) 88082888
                传真:(8610)88082789                                  Fax: (8610) 88082789
                网址://www.cscec.com                            Website: //www.cscec.com
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